One of the more, how can I say this without seeming judgemental....let's say "elitist" comments on the Bacon Explosion indicated she would "provide the wine." Wine? With pork wrapped pork cooked on flame? Smokey's head almost exploded from the possibility. Beer. Beer is a beverage that is provincial, rooted in American culture and damnit is what one drinks with pork wrapped pork.
It did not take long for the beverage snobbies to begin to disparage poor Smokey and his clinging to his grill and his beer. Wine, they said, wine has varieties that go with every meal! A zinfandel or cabernet is perfect with the Bacon Explosion. One "expert" stated she had in fact had the Bacon Explosion with a cabernet and it "paired beautifully."
The debate was on creating one of the challenges for Stuftivus: beverage tasting test with the Bacon Explosion. Wine or beer, try a bit of both and decide for yourself.
After this was decided a new voice cried out, "what about margaritas?" Huh?
And what about a nice bacon-fat mojito???